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發表 發表於: 星期四 2004-02-19 00:52

I think the following 3 threads are somewhat related.

In no particular order:

從心理學, 個體經濟學角度來看玩錶???
不買Rolex 唯一的理由

It's hard to put everything in words, so please bare with me.

I think this is similar to an ultimate life question--what life is all about? I think (yes, I think a lot and a little too much) a little hobby like this reflects many aspects of life. 心理學, 經濟學, and socialogy eventually lead to marketing, operations, and other business decision or vice versa. We experience it everyday, and at the end, it's just a different forms of life.

Eventually, it all depends on where we stand on the spectrum. In the office, we care about our own earning, and how the company runs, so we help maximizing the profit. Everyone's happy. When we got home, we realize someone is doing the same thing, except it's on our own expense. It's a never ending cycle.

Is there a way to wrap everything up and make it clear? Is confusion or uncertainty a pain or it's actually what makes life great?

Life is a cultural dependent object and I think we'd have different perpectives at different stages. This is one of the reasons why I come here everyday, because whether the comment is good or bad, I learn about what others think. Is "有錢真好" true? I personally think this 4 simple words can light up a debate. Shouldn't "knowing how to manage it" even better? There's a reason why many lotto winners went bankrupted afterward.

Anyway, I'm just trying to start something which I think it's interesting, and I hope some of you, if not all, feel the same. I know this is just a hobby and watch forum, so I don't expect all of you making a comment. However, for those who are actually interested, please feel free to speak up.

Btw, you are not in the Matrix, so this is real. 眨眼
發表 發表於: 星期四 2004-02-19 09:19

Hi Flyback,

It is always fun and joy to read your post. 嘲笑

I always ask myself what is the impulse behind us the to run a website like this. We spend time and money on the website without much hesitation, which we would very much likely experience when we consider buying our personal belongings.

So, in our case, we probably treasure knowledge and sharing more than a real watch on our own wrist. But, will this kind of preference bring more joy? I wonder. 驚訝

I saw somewhere the following statement: "How much you treasure a thing depends on how much you suffer from it". I personally agree this no matter whatever it is about love or watches. 眨眼

But at the least, by this hobbie, we would not only think about getting ours hands on some certain watches, but probing more deeply to many aspects in our life. This is certainly a plus, al least in my humble opinion. 耍酷

We are now working on some articles discussing subjects related to the 3 posts you mentioned. Hope it would come out soon. 眨眼

Cheers 哈 哈 哈 哈 哈 哈

We are your express shuttle to the wonderful world of watches.

Watchbus 在 星期四 2004-02-19 13:26 作了第 2 次修改
發表 發表於: 星期四 2004-02-19 10:15

Hi flyback... don't take it too seriously!!
As life is full of expection, and surprises.. and since we are borne to be human, we might as well accept the complexity and what may come till the day we say good bye to the world!! 嘲笑 嘲笑

I personally consider keeping a(or some) hobby, will make your life more glamorous.. I also believe many of the Watchbusers are having the same feeling.

Given the subjects of
從心理學, 個體經濟學角度來看玩錶???
不買Rolex 唯一的理由
are actually interesting, and can realize how other forumers think.

Because when you are indulged in this hobby, and are able to collect your favorite timepieces; 心理學, 個體經濟學...or whatever the socialolgy might be will no longer exist... 嘲笑 嘲笑

That's life!!!

Finally, I would like to end with a line from Forrest Gump - Life is like a box of chocolates, you'll never know what you get when you open the box!!!

Cheers!!! 眨眼 眨眼 眨眼
發表 發表於: 星期四 2004-02-19 21:27

Fully agree!

眨眼 眨眼 眨眼
發表 發表於: 星期四 2004-02-19 23:37

Ever since high school, I know I take things too seriously (some may consider that anal). I've tried to relax a bit, so I become pretty laid back for most things. However, when I set my heart to something, I go nuts again. The more I think about it, this is actually my strength and weakness.

A hobby like this can really set your imagination to an unreal level. The most fascinating part is to read about others' thoughts.

May I ask how many of you think watches are actually a form of art? Or you still think it's just a product at the end? I personally try not to treat it as a product.
發表 發表於: 星期四 2004-02-19 23:38


Please don't be discouraged by the English. I just can't type Chinese, but I hope we can still communicate by posting our thoughts. 害羞 害羞
發表 發表於: 星期四 2004-02-19 23:43

Mark123, can you please elaborate on your thoughts?

Watchbus, I'm looking forward to that article!!! 裝白ㄘ
發表 發表於: 星期六 2004-02-21 13:06

Hi Watcubus,

I can't wait to see your article!!! 裝白ㄘ 裝白ㄘ 裝白ㄘ

Hi flyback,

I'm so delighted to know that someone out there has the same thoughts as mine. I was disappointed and discouraged at the beginning, because some people just laughing at me, trying to "fix" me, or throwing at me with answers from their ECON101 textbook. But, it's great to learn that there are still many rational forumers willing to share with me and others their insightful thoughts. 非常高興 非常高興 非常高興

Acutally, I am more concerned with "me", "myself", or I should say, "human beings", than any watches products, when I started to learn about watches. I am more interested in, why would I chooose brand A over brand B, why would fans of brand C behave so loyal in protecting and defending their beloved brand, and, why would brand D bring me so much joy,...etc, things like this. But I guess, this is not and will not be the mainstream topic in any watch forum. 難過到哭
發表 發表於: 星期六 2004-02-21 19:18

藝術品其實有時候很抽象,外人看起來是一堆破銅爛鐵或一張鬼畫符,實際那叫做"藝術品Work of art".因為最主要
PP微繪琺瑯懷錶精美絕倫,技藝超群,人見人愛,堪稱鬼斧神工.只是那叫做藝術品嗎?我不認為.因為即使Suzanne Rohr
發表 發表於: 星期日 2004-02-22 00:17

Sorry for late......

I have posted my thought on the other thread that 原來機械是有生命有個性的.

In my opinion, seriously, I won't have serious business relationship with people who drive Alfa Romeo or Porsch, I also can't let someone who wear versach to handle or even join my business. I don't think those guys are reliable. I could be totally wrong, but I just can't trust them because the risk is too high.

I do judge people by their appearance including their hair style, clothing, shoes, socks, neckties, and even watches. That's my secret.

There is a traditional chinese saying: 什麼人玩什麼鳥. The more people you have evaluated, the more you are convinced.

Regard to Rolex, I personally think they are excellent at both watch making and marketing. But what's wrong ? IMHO the only thing wrong is too many many many people want to show how rich they are by wearing a Rolex, and that makes it a symbol of "田橋仔" 眨眼 Sorry for quoting someones words, but it also has been my image since I am a child.

I personally like BMW very much. They create cars better than Mercedes does from my point of view. But BMW has somewhat the same problem as Rolex does. Some people call BMW "兄弟車"in Taiwan, and people call BMW "黑人車" in the United States. Because BMW are the favorite of both "兄弟" and "黑人".

So, you see most of "big boss" prefer M-Benz rather than BMW as their company car .Because the image of BMW is everything but noble.

Have you ever heared that RR and Ferrari choose their customers? It's true!! They do choose their customers. You can't buy them just because you have a lot of money. You should have a nice carreer and good name before you get a RR or a Ferrari. So they have successfuly made themself very uniqe brands.

Watch is the same with what I have said above!!!

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