WatchBus 手錶討論區 :: 觀看文章 - 在米蘭見到212 和 214
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發表 發表於: 星期四 2007-06-14 03:25

大家好, 下面的帖我也發在香港討論區, 希望聽聽大家意見, 謝謝∼

I saw below new Panerai in Milan, do you think they are good buy?

Which one is the best buy in terms of rarity and value?

Please help to provide your comments!!!

PAM 212 (1950 Flyback)
HK Pirce: HKD72800
Milan List Price: 7700 Euro
After Discount: 6550 Euro
After Tax: 5633 Euro

PAM 214 (Rattrapante)
HK List Price: HKD84100
Milan List Price: 8900 Euro
After Discount: 7560 Euro
After Tax: 6501.60 Euro

(HKD to Euro is around 10.5, make it 11 for bank charges...)
發表 發表於: 星期四 2007-06-14 03:44

pinoir 寫到:
大家好, 下面的帖我也發在香港討論區, 希望聽聽大家意見, 謝謝∼

I saw below new Panerai in Milan, do you think they are good buy?

Which one is the best buy in terms of rarity and value?

Please help to provide your comments!!!

PAM 212 (1950 Flyback)
HK Pirce: HKD72800
Milan List Price: 7700 Euro
After Discount: 6550 Euro
After Tax: 5633 Euro

PAM 214 (Rattrapante)
HK List Price: HKD84100
Milan List Price: 8900 Euro
After Discount: 7560 Euro
After Tax: 6501.60 Euro

(HKD to Euro is around 10.5, make it 11 for bank charges...)

well, i will go for either one of it
those two are awsome and the prices are acceptable, no reson to say no.
the point is, you wear the watch so just go for the one you like.
i always believe first sight love and this rule works for watch also.
just in case, i will go for 214. thats my personal favorite.
發表 發表於: 星期四 2007-06-14 05:00

ericsdx2500 寫到:
pinoir 寫到:
大家好, 下面的帖我也發在香港討論區, 希望聽聽大家意見, 謝謝∼

I saw below new Panerai in Milan, do you think they are good buy?

Which one is the best buy in terms of rarity and value?

Please help to provide your comments!!!

PAM 212 (1950 Flyback)
HK Pirce: HKD72800
Milan List Price: 7700 Euro
After Discount: 6550 Euro
After Tax: 5633 Euro

PAM 214 (Rattrapante)
HK List Price: HKD84100
Milan List Price: 8900 Euro
After Discount: 7560 Euro
After Tax: 6501.60 Euro

(HKD to Euro is around 10.5, make it 11 for bank charges...)

well, i will go for either one of it
those two are awsome and the prices are acceptable, no reson to say no.
the point is, you wear the watch so just go for the one you like.
i always believe first sight love and this rule works for watch also.
just in case, i will go for 214. thats my personal favorite.

Thanks for your comments. Will consider them seriously....
發表 發表於: 星期四 2007-06-14 08:59

pinoir 寫到:
ericsdx2500 寫到:
pinoir 寫到:
大家好, 下面的帖我也發在香港討論區, 希望聽聽大家意見, 謝謝∼

I saw below new Panerai in Milan, do you think they are good buy?

Which one is the best buy in terms of rarity and value?

Please help to provide your comments!!!

PAM 212 (1950 Flyback)
HK Pirce: HKD72800
Milan List Price: 7700 Euro
After Discount: 6550 Euro
After Tax: 5633 Euro

PAM 214 (Rattrapante)
HK List Price: HKD84100
Milan List Price: 8900 Euro
After Discount: 7560 Euro
After Tax: 6501.60 Euro

(HKD to Euro is around 10.5, make it 11 for bank charges...)

well, i will go for either one of it
those two are awsome and the prices are acceptable, no reson to say no.
the point is, you wear the watch so just go for the one you like.
i always believe first sight love and this rule works for watch also.
just in case, i will go for 214. thats my personal favorite.

Thanks for your comments. Will consider them seriously....

no problem just remember to share the pics when you get it.
i wish i was there too, usa, watch is going on the orginal are the luckiest guy in the world...i envy you.
just kidding wish you dont mind.
發表 發表於: 星期四 2007-06-14 09:59

Dear pinoir,
Could you tell me which AD you met the above-mentioned panerai in Milano? So amazing discounts they give! I plan to make a tour to Italy in Augest and I want to purchase panerai there.By the way,I like the PAM 212 more,because I bought a faulty PAM 213 which is out of order immediately following purchasing.

發表 發表於: 星期五 2007-06-15 02:00

cllu3 寫到:
Dear pinoir,
Could you tell me which AD you met the above-mentioned panerai in Milano? So amazing discounts they give! I plan to make a tour to Italy in Augest and I want to purchase panerai there.By the way,I like the PAM 212 more,because I bought a faulty PAM 213 which is out of order immediately following purchasing.


Please check PM...微笑
發表 發表於: 星期五 2007-06-15 10:12

Please check PM...
I didn't receive your reply yet!
Could you send it again?Thanks!

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