WatchBus 手錶討論區 :: 觀看文章 - Pre-owned VC Overseas or a brand new Zenith?
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發表 發表於: 星期一 2006-02-06 23:29

lecturer 寫到:
Do you think it is risky to buy a pre-owned watch from a pre-owned watch shop?

I am still thinking if I should buy the latest version VC Overseas with box and cert.
I do love it very much. I dun think it looks "that huge" on my "extra ordinary tiny wrist". I think it looks so cool on makes me look so "powerful". it! 非常高興

les3436, if i buy the watch with box and cert, what i can do to reduce the risk?

The experience told me that a much more famous store will also subscribe a buying cert. for a pre-owned watch which guarabtees the authenticity and quality and may be a year warranty
I do believe you can tell if the store where you saw the VC is "good" enough or not
Good Luck to you 眨眼

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