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發表 發表於: 星期一 2007-03-19 10:16

大家好,小弟的女友前幾天在西門店的誠品,買了一支Ingersoll IN4501 HL的機械錶,小弟在網路找了一下資訊,這個牌子好像是美國的,但是店員跟我女友說是德國的,請教各位先進,有關Ingersoll這個牌子的資訊,還有這個牌子的評價如何?謝謝。
發表 發表於: 星期一 2007-03-19 18:02

沒有聽過,錶上面應該有打製造地,有圖嗎? 眼睛轉啊轉
發表 發表於: 星期一 2007-03-19 18:47

Ingersoll,蠻有名的dollar watch製造商!

"Founders: Robert & Charles Ingersoll

In 1880, 21 year old Robert Ingersoll & his brother, Charles set up a dollar-a-time mail order company. By 1892 the company launched a dollar-and-a-half Universal pocket watch (about a tenth of the price of contemporary watches).

By 1895 the dollar watch, the Yankee, was created. In 1905 the founder sailed to England to launch the Crown for 5 shillings.

After the Wall Street Crash of 1929 Ingersoll Limited was launched as a British public company.

Famous watches include the Boy Scout watch."

"One company is famous for the first genuine Dollar watch - Ingersoll. They produced the first Dollar Ingersoll Watch in 1881 via a New York based mail-order business set up by brothers Robert & Charles Ingersoll. The Dollar Watch proved to be so popular that by mid 1890s they had sold one million Dollar Pocket Watches. Ingersoll coined the phrase "The Watch that made the Dollar Famous!". Other companies that also sold pocket watches costing only one dollar were Westclox, New Haven, Ingraham, and Ansonia.

These watches were not the same as more expensive makes of the era. They did not utilise jewels in their mechanisms, instead they used the so-called "pin lever" method. Instead of a jewel being used as a bearing, a hole was drilled directly into the pocket watch plate and a pin attached to the gear sat inside the hole. This was a simple but effective way to drastically reduce costs. Oiling was very important to reduce wear on the metal-to-metal contact surfaces, and the movements did eventually wear. But the goal was achieved - make a watch affordable for the everyday worker.

Ingersoll Dollar Pocket Watch Ingersoll continued and expanded its operations to the UK market, with a store in London being opened in 1904. Here it sold the Crown pocket watch, which was sold for the princely sum of 5 shillings (25 new pence). Ingersoll was eventually bought out by the Time Corporation and eventually the name was changed to that synonymous with timekeeping in general throughout the 20th century - Timex.

For collectors, the Dollar Pocket Watch is still a highly collectible item, and although many people are of the opinion that these watches have no real "antique" value, I disagree. If you can find one of these in mint condition, it still won't cost you an arm and a leg to aquire it, but over time as collectors begin to realise the importance that the Dollar Watch played in the development of timepieces in general, these will become more collectable and hence valuable. Thank heavens for the Ingersoll Watch!"
發表 發表於: 星期二 2007-03-20 22:19


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